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Tahitian pearl ring with
diamonds, set in 18k
white gold.
Stary Stary
The Starlight Collection was born from that magical moment of stars and therefore not usually the first to appear at night.
of looking up at the sky on a clear night and seeing it stippled This ancient practice was popularized in the 1940’s with Walt
with stars. Faced with both startling beauty and awe-inspiring Disney’s famous song ‘When you wish upon a star’. Although
grandeur, people have been moved since ancient times to the song didn’t define which star to wish upon, it did, however,
make wishes upon the stars. Nobody knows the exact origins afford the custom to gain worldwide popularity, especially
of this practice, but it has been referenced as far back as the among children.
ancient Greeks.
Yvel’s Starlight Collection is handcrafted from a striking
A well-known American nursery rhyme, ‘Star Light, Star Bright’, combination of white diamonds and natural white pearls set
can be traced back to the late 19th century. The rhyme makes in black 18k gold. Regardless of whether you believe in wishing
reference to the tradition of wishing on stars, but specifies, ‘the upon stars or not, Yvel’s Starlight Collection is really something
first star I see tonight’, meaning the very first star that appears in to wish for.
the sky at night. Other sources suggest that the custom relates
only to the Northern Star (Polaris), which is not the brightest
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